im running myself ragged trying to find the solution. but it seems to crash as soon as i either click away from blender, or open another window in blender like the preferences menu. any longer and it wont open at all." blender 2.81a opens perfectly and quickly. "when i say crashes i mean window goes gray and i get the little (not responding) message".įinal thing i have noted, if i restart my computer and immediately open blender "i.e. Ive tried opening in cmd prompt with -debug and blender still crashes without throwing any error messages. Now that userpref.blend message is gone but the program still doesn't open. Originally the command window that opens before blender said something about the userpref.blend in %appdata% and the internet said to delete that blender foundation folder and reinstall everything.
#Martin mpc blender problems drivers#
when i copy to the folder i get an error saying i need a driver that supports opengl 3.3 but the most updated drivers i have support opengl 4.6, so i dont think that is the issue. All drivers have been updated to no avail. I have a pretty beefy rig that i built for the purpose of modeling and gaming. I have tried absolutely every suggested fix on the internet.
#Martin mpc blender problems 32 bit#
Since then i have been unable to get any version started up again with the exception of the 32 bit version of 2.8 (which i dont understand). A training video and user manual is also available. It is ideal for training purposes and preprogramming of shows and is a valuable playback and backup resource for the M-Series. I downloaded 2.81a on Dec 5 and it opened for a few moments and then crashed. M-PC is the Martin M-Series online and offline editing tool that will run on a Windows PC and can be downloaded here. Ive never had issues with any blender version up through 2.8 64 bit.
My issue seems similar to georges problem.